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Shifting Your Mindset for Growth: Lessons from Stop & Shift

This week, I explored Stop & Shift—a straightforward yet powerful guide to taking control of your thoughts and shifting from negativity to growth. It’s all about breaking out of unproductive mental patterns and embracing a mindset that supports progress and success.

Pause and Shift Your Thoughts

At the heart of Stop & Shift is the ability to stop negative thoughts as soon as you recognize them and consciously shift to a more constructive one. It’s not just about “thinking positive”—it’s about understanding where your mind is headed and intentionally redirecting it.

Say you’re having a rough day and catch yourself thinking, “I’m never going to finish this project.” Instead, pause, take a breath, and shift that thought to, “I’ve overcome challenges before, and I can break this project down and tackle it step by step.” This small mental reset can work wonders for your productivity and well-being. Our Goal Tracker is a great way to help you break down bigger tasks as well as keep you on track with your WHY.

Daily Techniques for Shifting

One way to incorporate this mindset shift is to start each day with an intention—something positive that sets the tone for how you want to face challenges. It could be as simple as, “Today, I’ll approach obstacles with curiosity instead of frustration.” This gives you a framework to shift from negative to positive throughout the day.

Another tool I recommend is keeping a “Shift Journal.” Track the moments when you stopped a negative thought and reframed it. Over time, this practice builds your self-awareness and shows you the progress you’re making in shifting your mindset.

Becoming More Self-Aware

Stop & Shift encourages us to be more aware of our thought patterns, helping us understand why we feel stuck or unmotivated. When you practice stopping and shifting regularly, you start to recognize your triggers and develop healthier ways to handle them.

For instance, if you’re feeling overwhelmed during a meeting, recognizing that feeling early and using the Stop & Shift technique can help you refocus, calm down, and contribute more effectively. This awareness is a key step toward making lasting changes.


Growth Through Mindset Shifts

Regularly practicing Stop & Shift means you’re not only rewiring your thought patterns, but you’re also creating room for personal growth and enhanced productivity. Shifting your mindset can reduce stress, unlock creative solutions, and help you tackle challenges with a growth-oriented attitude.


Insights from Amanda McKinlay

This week, I had a conversation with Amanda McKinlay, a Well-being and Creativity Coach with The Butterfly Room. We talked about how shifting your mindset goes hand in hand with improving overall well-being. Amanda shared practical techniques, like setting intentions and using journaling for self-reflection, to help make these shifts part of daily life. She highlighted that these shifts not only help in tough situations but also lead to long-term improvements in mental health and productivity.


Take Action

Whether you’re managing stress, navigating a career transition, or aiming to boost your productivity, Stop & Shift provides a powerful tool for transformation. How can you start using it today? Maybe start by tracking your negative thoughts and practicing small mental shifts, or by setting a positive intention for the week.

This week, I challenge you to try the Shift Journal technique and see how many times you can reframe a negative thought into a more productive one. Over time, these small changes add up to significant results. What’s one mindset shift you’ll focus on this week? Let me know in the comments section of the YouTube video!

– Maria Medina

P.S.: Don’t miss next week’s blog, where we dive into So Good They Can’t Ignore You to help you hone in on your best skills and advance your career and business!