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Turning Dreams into Reality: Lessons from Put Your Dream to the Test

Ever wonder how you can turn your dreams into reality? This week, I explored Put Your Dream to the Test by John C. Maxwell, a must-read for anyone looking to turn their aspirations into tangible goals. The best part? I had the pleasure of chatting with Scot Storey from Despite the Limits, where we dove deep into the power of finding a strong support network, structuring your time effectively, and overcoming the inevitable discouragement that comes with chasing big dreams.

At its core, Put Your Dream to the Test is about taking your dream from the realm of wishful thinking into the land of practical action. Maxwell outlines ten critical questions that challenge you to assess your dream’s feasibility and your commitment to making it a reality. It’s a powerful roadmap for dreamers who want to become doers.

Here’s a quick breakdown of a few questions Maxwell asks:

1. The Ownership Question: Is My Dream Really My Dream?

This one cuts to the core—are you chasing a dream that’s truly yours, or is it something that others have pushed you toward? Scot and I both agreed that before you can even think about achieving a dream, you need to make sure it’s something you’re passionate about. Your dream has to fuel your actions, even on the toughest days.

2. The Teamwork Question: Have I Included the People I Need to Realize My Dream?

No one achieves greatness alone. In our conversation, Scot emphasized the importance of having a solid support network. Whether it’s mentors, accountability partners, or collaborators, surrounding yourself with the right people makes all the difference. They can push you forward when you feel stuck and celebrate with you when you make progress.

3. The Tenacity Question: Am I Willing to Pay the Price for My Dream?

Dreams don’t come easy. Maxwell talks about the need for perseverance, and Scot echoed this with his own experiences. He shared how Despite the Limits was built on the back of persistence and pushing through discouragement. When the going gets tough, the tough stay committed—this is where structure comes into play.

Structuring Time to Fuel Progress

One of the biggest challenges for dreamers? Time management. Scot and I both agreed that structuring your time effectively is a key component to moving closer to your dreams. It’s all about blocking out time for what matters and being relentless in your focus. Whether it’s dedicating an hour each day or carving out full weekends, staying consistent with time is the difference between dreaming and doing. Make sure you check out our free resource section for our time management tools, including the priority matrix, habit tracker and more!

Overcoming Discouragement

Let’s face it—there are going to be days when you want to throw in the towel. When doubt creeps in, it’s easy to feel like giving up. But, as Scot reminded me, those moments are exactly when you need to lean on your support system and remind yourself of the ‘why’ behind your dream. Reassess your progress, take a breather, and get back at it. Use our handy goal tracker to keep you motivated with action steps and a reminder of your why.

Putting It All Together

If you’re serious about your dream, start by asking the tough questions Maxwell outlines in the book. Then, take a page from Scot’s journey and surround yourself with the right people, create a plan to structure your time, and build resilience to bounce back from setbacks. With that combination, your dream is not just a possibility—it’s an eventuality.


Ready to take your dream to the next level? Don’t miss this week’s video where Scot and I dive deeper into the practical strategies we’ve used to stay on track and turn our dreams into action.

What’s one step you’ll take this week to move closer to your dream? Let me know in the comments below!

Cheers to chasing dreams and making them happen!

– Maria Medina

P.S. – Be sure to share how you’re applying the lessons from Put Your Dream to the Test and let’s keep each other motivated!