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The Business Book Challenge: Dare to Lead

Ever feel like leadership is a constant balancing act between guiding your team and staying true to who you are? This week, I dove into Dare to Lead by Brené Brown, and let me tell you, this book is a must-read for anyone striving to lead with authenticity and courage.

At the heart of Dare to Lead is the idea that vulnerability isn’t a weakness—it’s a strength. Brown challenges the old-school belief that leaders must always appear tough and unshakeable. Instead, she makes a powerful case that being vulnerable, transparent, and willing to have tough conversations is what creates real trust and connection within teams. Leadership, as she says, is about having the courage to show up and be seen, even when the outcome is uncertain.

Here’s a quick breakdown of the key concepts in Dare to Lead:

1. Leading with Vulnerability

True leadership starts with embracing vulnerability. Being open about your challenges and insecurities as a leader can actually inspire your team to take risks and push boundaries. It’s about creating a culture where people feel safe to speak up and contribute without fear of judgment. Use our handy error log to help you structure communicating errors and streamline solutions for them.

2. Clear is Kind

One of my favorite takeaways is Brown’s mantra: “Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.” So many of us avoid tough conversations, but by doing so, we end up creating more confusion and frustration. Leaders need to be clear about expectations, goals, and feedback. It’s not always easy, but it builds trust and accountability in the long run. Use our goal tracker to help you brainstorm action steps with your team and use it to hold each other accountable.

3. Living into Your Values

What are your core values as a leader? Dare to Lead emphasizes the importance of not just knowing your values, but living them every day. When your actions align with your values, you build credibility with your team and foster a stronger work culture. If you don’t live your values, how can you expect your team to?

4. Building Trust

Trust isn’t something you can demand—it’s something you build over time. Brown breaks down the seven elements of trust (Boundaries, Reliability, Accountability, Vault, Integrity, Non-judgment, and Generosity) and explains how leaders can cultivate trust within their teams. This part of the book is a goldmine for anyone struggling to build cohesion and reliability in their business.

5. Resilience and Rising Strong

Leadership is never without challenges. But what separates great leaders from the rest is their ability to bounce back after setbacks. Brown calls this “Learning to Rise” and shows how we can develop resilience through practice and self-awareness. It’s all about learning from our mistakes and showing our teams that failure is part of growth.

How to Apply Dare to Lead to Your Business:

  1. Get Comfortable with Discomfort: Start by being more transparent with your team. Whether it’s admitting a mistake or addressing a tough issue, being vulnerable helps your team see you as relatable and approachable.

  2. Communicate Clearly: Make sure your feedback and expectations are always clear. Don’t shy away from tough conversations—they are the foundation of trust and progress.

  3. Align Your Actions with Your Values: Reflect on your core values as a leader and ask yourself if your daily actions reflect them. If not, it’s time to make adjustments.

  4. Create a Trusting Environment: Lead by example when it comes to reliability, integrity, and generosity. Your team will follow your lead when they see you practicing these elements consistently.

As a business coach, I’m passionate about helping my clients lead with authenticity and empower their teams. Dare to Lead has reinforced that the best leaders aren’t the ones who know all the answers but the ones willing to be vulnerable, ask for help, and grow alongside their teams.

Want to dive deeper into this topic? Be sure to check out this week’s video, where I’m joined by special guest Robin Dimond, CEO of Fifth & Cor. Robin shares incredible insights on how to maintain a functional, cohesive team and the power of clear communication in fostering collaboration.

How are you going to lead with authenticity and vulnerability this week? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Cheers to courageous leadership!

– Maria Medina

P.S. – Don’t forget to leave a comment on the YouTube video and share how you’re implementing the concepts from Dare to Lead in your business. Let’s continue the conversation!


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